Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Mags, Music and Style

Blog Post #2
I look around me and I see older girls, more like young adults in high heels or flat boots and skinny jeans with long shirts and long sweaters, with necklaces and bangles and it makes me think of the pictures I saw in magazines of celebrities. It always seems as though there’s a certain “look” that most of the celebrities have, that can change from month to month.
As I sit in Starbucks, a group of young boys and girls walk in, freshmen, I think to myself. Why do I think that? I think it’s mainly because of that “ just getting into high school” vibe I get where kids desperately try to get attention, mainly through the way the talk and their exaggerated actions.
Younger teens, like freshman for example, seem to be wearing more and more of the “rocker” look, with the concert T’s and the super skinny jeans. I love skinny jeans personally and wear them all the time, but something about the way these kids dress, whether it be boys or girls, reminds me of the Jonas Brothers. Don’t ask me why. But it makes sense. The Jonas Brothers are a huge commodity right now and are especially aimed at younger teenagers. This ties into the idea that young teens don’t quite have a grasp on who they are or who they want to be, so they look up to popular celebrities thinking they can be the same if t hey dress that way.
I personally have my own style, yet I get ideas from magazines, so I’m not trying to say that its wrong. I’m just trying to figure out what aspect of media and life has the greatest influence on who people are. Do they see someone they admire on t.v and watch how they act and then try to act the same? This makes me think of when Paris Hilton’s and Nicole Richie’s show, The Simple Life, was airing, the words and “That’s Hott” was flocking the streets.

I feel like when people get to a certain age, they figure out who they are and young teens are not at that stage in their lives yet, which is why they are most affected by the “hip” new way of saying things or of dressing. What they aren’t aware of, and what I’ve noticed, is that styles constantly change, and so do sayings.

I looked at other blogs that were posted online and were aimed at celebrity fashion and style, and it was interesting to see similar pictures on the blogs as were in the magazines I had read the day before, like People and Ok. The “Make up” blog on couturecandy.com talked about star from the new remake of Beverly Hills “90210”, named Anna Lynne McCord and her outfit when she hosted Plant Funk’s fashion week. This one is interesting because I’ve noticed the straight-legged jeans coming back into style (skinny jeans took over for a while, and still are). Vests are also really popular right now and it makes me wonder if teenagers look at these new stars for fashion ideas. The “Lindsay Lohan wears the boyfriend jeans trend” blog on fashionising.com was interesting because I also saw her and Jennifer Aniston photographed in a magazine a couple of days ago and the article was talking about the same thing. The last blog I read was titled “pop News: we care so you don’t have to” on popeater.com. This blog interested me because it simply stated three things, being skinny, getting pregnant and not getting married. The couturecandy.com bog was the most intriguing to me because it talked about the most recent styles, like hair and fashion, which deals with my topic in trying to figure out what makes teenagers or people who they are-is it by looking at these celebrities and admiring them and wanting to be like them?


anonymous said...

I really like your topic because it's something that's really true, but not a lot of people think about it.In my town it's the same thing I can tell who the freshman are just by the way they dress, i'm probably guilty of doing it too when i was younger. i think everyone is, but as you get older you care a little less of dressing for others and start dressing for yourself.

Jessica Marie said...

you make a really good point. Fashion is depicted by what kids are watching on tv. think about all the girls we go to school with now who try to hard to go to community college.
now im not saying you cant wear certain clothes to school but for god sakes high heels?
i totally get what your saying about people watching too i do it too.

Jackie said...

I can totally relate to what you're saying. Thinking back to how I used to dress and act in middle school and early high school, I realize that I just went along with what I thought was "in". I think personal style grows with age because you slowly start to care less and less about what others think of you.